Open Access UDL Resources
The Open Access team has created and curated resources to support the journey into UDL implementation. These include self-paced modules to expand learning and understanding; materials to support site-based protocols to deepen the team-based work; resources to support this work in early childhood settings; and classroom resources. Use the spaces below to navigate to resources of interest!
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UDL in Instruction Modules
These modules break down the UDL approach of designing effective instruction right from the beginning through the lens of four components; goals, assessments, methods, and materials.
Building Expert Learners Modules
The modules break down the goal of expert learning by discussing the characteristics while diving deeper into strategies that support building Purposeful & Motivated, Resourceful & Knowledgeable, and Strategic & Goal-Oriented expert learners.
Instructional Rounds Protocol
Instructional Rounds help deepen understanding of the UDL Framework; use a UDL lens to build commonality of effective teaching and learning practices; puts educators in charge of the learning, and provides data to inform UDL implementation over time.
Lesson Study Protocol
Lesson Study is a structured, collaborative, professional learning approach to student learning that builds a deeper understanding of two important planning activities: proactively and intentionally designing lessons and recognizing and minimizing barriers.
Classroom Resources
These resources were created with classroom teachers in mind. They can support educators as they begin to implement UDL into their daily practice. Administrators may also use them to support educators.