Building capacity dissolves differences. It irons out inequalities.
~Abdul Kalam
Capacity Building Projects
The goal of Open Access is to leverage the science and practice of implementation to strengthen equity in education systems, support educators, and improve outcomes for learners and their families. This is done by expanding the selection, adoption, and sustained use of educational practices supported by evidence [specifically universal design for learning, accessible technologies and augmentative alternative communication] that result in positive student outcomes.
To remove barriers to learning and increase inclusive opportunities, the projects are designed to develop the capacity of regional implementation teams to train, coach, and provide technical assistance to school sites in these specific focus areas.
Our SELPA Partners Across the State
Based on the 11 service regions of the California County Superintendent Educational Services Association, Select a Region to find an Open Access Project near you.
For more information and contact information for project teams,
navigate to the "About the OA Network" tab and explore under Regional Teams.