AAC Resource FlipKit
The AAC tools within the AAC FlipKit are a specially curated collection of supports that align with specific user levels (a framework borrowed from Marilyn Buzolich, Ph.D, CCC-SLP).
These user levels are designed to help teams determine the level of technology a student may need and/or require at any given point in time.​ The levels help guide the team in understanding where the student is headed in order to prepare students to successfully move towards more complex systems.
Click the icons below to reveal more information about user levels.

Chronologically or developmentally young children who have limited or no prior exposure to AAC May not yet understand the relationship between visual symbols and concepts, or have the physical skills to access displays with a number of symbols May be starting to follow directions with routines and familiar activities Primarily using vocalizations, facial expressions, gestures, and body language to communicate with others

Users who demonstrate skills indicating readiness for aided symbol systems:(discriminating between visual symbols, using symbols to make requests for things they want, using more robust or novel nonverbal forms of communicating (e.g. vocalizing gesturing, head nods/shakes, taking a partner to something, looking at something) Have been using pictures and/or iconic symbols which appears to increase both comprehension and expression. Attempts to communicate using aided systems are most frequent i

Users who are accessing pre-stored messages on aided systems of communication to interact and take turns in familiar routines and activities They are resourceful in using their unaided communication (e.g. verbal and nonverbal) to supplement aided systems They have the ability to categorize words, and can navigate from category pages to find messages independently.

Users who are experienced system users who require high technology systems to enable them to communicate at a level commensurate with their language understanding Advanced level system users are able to use a large pre-stored vocabulary set and generate novel language (e.g. put words together in their own unique combinations) Have the literacy skills to support spelling
Tools selection
Using the menu below to select the types of tools you are looking for: